What is non-payment of the toll?

In the event that the toll due (article 176, paragraph 11 of the Italian Traffic Laws) is not paid, in whole or in part, a non-payment report is issued (transit certificate/receipt), which includes the number of the report, the vehicle's details (registration number and class), transit data (date, time, toll booth exit and, where available, the toll booth entrance as well), the amount to be paid and the methods of payment.

Terms of payment and inspection charges

The unpaid toll can be paid without additional charges within 15 days of the date of issue. Following this period, administration fees (Art. 176/11 bis of the Highways Code) will be added to the amount payable. If the amount owed is still not paid, debt recovery services will be activated. This will result in additional charges for the debtor (Art. 373 Highways Regulations). In this case, moreover, the relative documentation may be forwarded to the Italian Highway Police for administrative sanctions for not paying the due toll, as per article 176, comma 11 and 21, of the Italian Highway Code. The amount due varies from €87,00 to €344,00 and 2 points may be removed from the transgressor's driving license.

Who are the Motorway Operators for which Youverse SpA performs debt recovery?

The Motorway Operators for which Youverse SpA performs debt recovery for non-payment of the toll are:

Autostrade per l'Italia S.p.A.

Società Autostrade Tirrenica p.A.

Raccordo Autostradale Valle D'Aosta S.p.A.

Tangenziale di Napoli S.p.A.


How to pay a non-payment of toll report?

The non-payment report can be paid in the following ways:

  • attraverso l’App Muovy, previa registrazione, senza costi aggiuntivi, tramite carta di credito, debito o prepagata
  • nella sezione Muovy del sito www.autostrade.it, senza necessità di registrazione e senza alcun costo aggiuntivo per la transazione
  • Presso gli oltre 40.000 punti Mooney (Bar, Tabacchi, Edicole) diffusi su tutto il territorio nazionale (per informazioni e costi la invitiamo a controllare sul sito https://www.mooney.it/) comunicando il numero di rapporto di mancato pagamento


Per altre modalità invitiamo a consultare il sito www.autostrade.it

How to update the registration number associated with a Telepass contract?

Each Telepass device can be linked to a maximum of two registration numbers which can be updated using the following methods:

  • by accessing the dedicated area on the website www.telepass.it after registration
  • by sending a notification through this form in the "Contact us" section of the website www.telepass.it
  • by sending a notification to Telepass SpA to fax number 055.4202373 indicating your customer code
  • by contacting telephone number 800.269.269

How to certify the right to exemption from the toll payment?

Exempt vehicle

In the event that a vehicle is exempted from payment of the toll (article 373, paragraph 2 of the Italian Traffic Laws), the owner can certify exemption by sending the appropriate request through the Non-payment support form by selecting the Exempt by law option.


Exempt person

In the event that a person is exempted from payment of the toll (pursuant to article 373, paragraph 2 of the Italian Traffic Laws), the owner can certify the right to exemption by sending the appropriate request through the Non-payment support form by selecting the Exempt by law option.

What to do if the non-payment has already been paid in full?

If you have received a reminder for non-payment and believe that you have already paid in full, we ask you to check that the non-payment number on the reminder corresponds to that indicated on the payment receipt in your possession.

In the event of any inconsistency you will be required to make payment. Conversely you can demonstrate that you have already paid the toll payment through the Non-payment support form by selecting the Toll payment already made option.

How to find out the statement of account for your debit situation with reference to the non-payment of the toll?​

To find out the statement of account for your debt situation with reference to the non-payment of the toll relating to one or more vehicles in your name you can send the appropriate request through the Non-payment support form by selecting the Debt situation statement option.

What to do if on the date of transit you were not the owner of the vehicle?

If on the date of transit you were not the owner of the vehicle you can send a copy of the sales deed with the details of the notarial deed or the certificate of transcript to the Vehicle Registration Office (PRA) through the Non-payment support form by selecting the Change to ownership/lease option.

What to do if on the date of transit the vehicle was a rental/lease?

If on the date of transit the vehicle was leased, you can provide, pursuant to article 196 of the Italian Traffic Laws, the details of the lessor together with a copy of the leasing deed through the Non-payment support form by selecting the Change to ownership/lease option.

What to do if on the date of transit the vehicle was subject to theft/loss of possession?

If on the date of transit the vehicle was subject to theft/loss of possession you can send a copy of the complaint submitted to the competent legal authorities through the Non-payment support form by selecting the Change to ownership/lease option.

How to request a check with regard to the vehicle subject to non-payment?

Per richiedere una verifica in riferimento al veicolo oggetto di mancato pagamento può inviare richiesta attraverso il Form dedicato Assistenza mancato pagamento selezionando la scelta Richiesta definizione targa.

How to receive further information?

For further information relating to the non-payment of the motorway toll there is a dedicated number for instances of non-payment (available also via Whatsapp): 055.4210452 which is open from Monday to Wednesday from 9am to 5pm or contact us by filling in THIS FORM and we will be happy to assist you.